Personally, I am a "wake up early to tackle the to-do list" type of person. With the amount of things we all have to do in a day, I think a lot of people are in the same boat - we want to make the most out of our days! There are definitely days where there's truly not enough time in the day, but with a few small changes, you'd be surprised how much faster you can keep things moving!
Start each morning with a To-do list: sometimes I do this the night before so I can jump right into things once I'm awake -- it's up to you. But having your day mapped out with all the big and little tasks will help you visualize all responsibilities and compare to what time is available.
Put workout clothes out the night before: having your clothes right in front of your face will make it more likely to get you out and moving in the morning!
Set a weekly meal prep night: Having a set time you commit to will help you to make meal prep a habit. I typically do this on Sundays so I don't have to think about cooking once during the week. It's been a huge help for those days I'm exhausted and cooking is the last thing I want to do. It also helps me avoid snacking!
Keep your body moving: Squats, leg lifts, or chair push-ups instead of sitting to work? Amazing! How about an ab workout or some Barre leg moves as you lay down to watch T.V.? It's a great way to sneak movement into your day!
Always take water and a snack with you: Whether you're going to work, class, errands, etc., staying hydrated and nourished is so important -if you get dehydrated or your blood sugar drops, you will be far less efficient (and less happy)!
Kick cleaning up a notch: Since it's something we have to do anyway, why not make it more of a workout at the same time? Try adding ankle weights as you vacuum or resistance bands as you do the dishes!